Friday, December 27, 2019

Customer Orders From Office Depot - 1543 Words

The merged of Office Depot and Office Max cause a massive chaos in operation and inventory. Volume in customer orders went from an average of 38,000 to a high volume of 55,000. There was a massive change that causes reengineering and the build of a new building to support store orders. Industrial engineers and mechanical engineers had to create conveyor lines and pick modules to support all of its customer orders. Systems and programs had to be upgraded to handle these new volumes and maintain its customer satisfactions. Not having customers means that there is no business. Not having the correct technology can cause the company to be non-competitive and causes customers to look elsewhere like Staples. Delivery only is making sure that†¦show more content†¦In term, Office Depot and Office Max do compete internally on analytics within the warehouse as well as externally. The warehouse distribution does compete externally on analytics. The company will try at all cost to meet customer demands and their needs. With that being said, the company must maintain good relationships with it suppliers. Without the suppliers, the company cannot maintain it satisfaction to its customers. On the other hand, the company can seek out to other suppliers too. They have to make sure that both parties meet agreements. Agreements are between the company and suppliers which is beyond my knowledge. Analytic is heavily used in customers demand. We used data mainly statistical progrrams to help us predict what and how much to stock in inventory within the warehouse. We call this forecasting. Forecasting is greatly used during the back to school time frame. That is when we have the highest volume in sales. Marketing and advertisement plays a major role here too. A good example is stocking more Office Depot red top copy papers as compare to Hammermill copy papers. We know that the Office Depot brand is cheaper and sells much faster. The term here is optimizing our space wi thin the warehouse. This saves us tons of money and allows us to stock different products. The goal is here to receive the material from the supplier and

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